Smart investing made easy

Auto-invest in the life you want

Get a globally diversified portfolio that is expertly built. Sarwa Invest takes the hurdles out of investing, while helping you maximise returns at a risk you’re comfortable with.
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Backed by the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) Fintech Fund
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Backed by Mubadala Investment Company
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'Shaking up the future of finance in the region'
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Fastest Growing Fintech Company

Set it and forget it

Put your money to work for you with zero efforts. It's all taken care of: dividends re-investing, rebalancing, and you can even set up auto-deposits.
Invest returns graph Illustration
Invest returns graph Illustration
Invest side illustration
Invest bar chart image
Zero commission image

Tailored portfolios for you

We will ask you a few questions to get to know you and your risk profile. You will get a portfolio of globally diversified, low-cost index funds covering different assets.
Invest rebalanced image
Invest rebalanced image

You can set-it and forget-it

You work hard for your money. We will make sure it works hard for you with smart rebalancing and dividends reinvesting.
Invest quick start image
Invest quick start image

Get started in minutes

Open your Sarwa account from the comfort of your home and start putting your money to work. No need to leave that couch!

Talk to our team

Our advisors can tell you all about our time-tested investment strategy, and can help you plan to reach your financial goals.
Amen Ghebre Advisor
Amen Ghebre Advisor

Personalize your portfolio

Choose a portfolio that works for you: from our conventional portfolios, our socially responsible investment portfolios, our Halal portfolios, or our Bitcoin ones, it's a matter of what speaks to you.
conventional image


$500 minimum balance

Conventional portfolios are made up of Globally diversified Vanguard and Blackrock ETFs that cover all industries, sizes and geographies.

SRI image

Socially Responsible

$2,500 minimum balance

SRI portfolios consist of ETFs that invest in companies that meet SRI criteria such as environmentally sustainable practices, fair labor standards, and others.

crypto image


$2,500 minimum balance

Crypto portfolios follow our conventional or socially responsible investing strategies including an additional allocation to Bitcoin of 5%.

Halal image


$500 minimum balance

Halal portfolios are made up of Sukuk, Gold ETC, and ETFs that follow Islamic laws and principles of investing, such as not profiting from alcohol, gambling, and others.

conventional image


$500 minimum balance

Conventional portfolios are made up of Globally diversified Vanguard and Blackrock ETFs that cover all industries, sizes and geographies.

SRI image

Socially Responsible

$2,500 minimum balance

SRI portfolios consist of ETFs that invest in companies that meet SRI criteria such as environmentally sustainable practices, fair labor standards, and others.

crypto image


$2,500 minimum balance

Crypto portfolios follow our conventional or socially responsible investing strategies including an additional allocation to Bitcoin of 5%.

Halal image


$500 minimum balance

Halal portfolios are made up of Sukuk, Gold ETC, and ETFs that follow Islamic laws and principles of investing, such as not profiting from alcohol, gambling, and others.

See what your money can do

Here's an estimated projection to show the impact of lower fees and compound interest.
Initial deposit
Monthly Amount
Risk Level

Learn & explore

Dive into the different portfolios and see how your money can help you retire.
Portfolio Allocations
Historical Performance
Retirement calculator

Global diversification, optimal returns

Diversifying your investment means you can minimize risk while maximizing rewards. We invest your money across stocks markets, and across assets using Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).
Socially Responsible
Conventional Crypto
Socially Responsible Crypto
Lower riskMore risk


Learn more


< $100,000
1.5% management fee
Minimum $7/month
Global custody with top-tier banks
Diversified portfolios
Smart rebalancing
Dividend reinvesting
Joint accounts
Financial webinars


=> $100,000
1.3% management fee
Dedicated advisor
Black Swan protection (coming soon)
Financial planning
Global custody with top-tier banks
Smart rebalancing
Dividend reinvesting
Joint accounts
Financial webinars

Private wealth

=> $500,000
Preferred pricing
Corporate accounts
Dedicated advisor
Black Swan protection (coming soon)
Financial planning
Global custody with top-tier banks
Smart rebalancing
Dividend reinvesting
Joint accounts
Financial webinars


=> $5,000,000
Preferred pricing
Dedicated team
Bespoke portfolio
Corporate accounts
Black Swan protection (coming soon)
Global custody with top-tier banks
Dedicated advisor
Financial planning
Smart rebalancing
Dividend reinvesting
Joint accounts
Financial webinars

Your security is our priority

Security scale image
Sarwa’s regulatedSarwa Digital Wealth (Capital) Limited is regulated by the Financial Service Regulatory Authority in the ADGM. We adhere to high standards of Compliance and regular audits.
Security lock image
SSL ENCRYPTIONOur website and app are secured with 256-bit encryption to keep your information safe and backed up continuously.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get all your questions answered, so you can effortlessly invest with big rewards sooner.
What is Sarwa?
How much do I need to invest?
What are the costs to invest?
What investments does Sarwa offer?
Can I move my money out if I want to?
FAQ illustration