Who we are
Sarwa is a team made up of world-class experts in each relevant field: from investment and finance, to design, data science and technology talents, our aim is to deliver the best investment experience that will help you reach your goals.

We empower people to live the life they want - by putting their money to work, the smart way.
Why we do what we do
We started by wanting to democratize investing for our community, to help them build for the life they want: travel, retire early, buy a house, secure kids’ future education… So we provided a solution for them to put their money to work. We used technology to drive down cost, and we built a platform with an intuitive user experience and no complicated financial jargon.
Today, Sarwa offers a one-stop shop for anyone looking for hands-off auto-investing with Sarwa Invest, self-directed trading of stocks, ETFs & Crypto with Sarwa Trade, and a place to park their cash while earning interest with Sarwa Save. Our hybrid model provides access to on-demand investment experts and a human customer support team that are here to answer your questions.
We also believe in the power of educating oneself to take control over one’s finances. So, we put together a library of free content across our website, our app, our social platforms. Most importantly we built a community both online and offline. We host workshops, events and get-togethers.
Everyone should have access to the right tools that can help them build the life they want. That’s what drives our team. Our Sarwa brand values? We will always stand for simplicity, accessibility, innovation and transparency.
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In the press

ومضة | 2021
أعلنت شركة ثروة للتكنولوجيا المالية، ومقرها الإمارات العربية المتحدة، عن إغلاق جولة تمويل بقيمة 15 مليون دولار من السلسلة B، بقيادة شركة مبادلة للاستثمار وبمشاركة 500 Startups، وشركة مشاريع الكويت ، و Shorooq Partners ، و Middle East Venture Partners (MEVP) ، و DIFC ، و Hambro Perks Oryx Fund ، و HALA Ventures و Vision Ventures. ينضم ممثلو مبادلة و 500 شركة ناشئة إلى مجلس إدارة ثروة.

أريبيان بزنس | 2023
رغم أن 99% من المتداولين بالأسهم من المستجدين يخسرون أموالهم إلا أن شركات تداول الأسهم تشن حملة ترويج بإعلانات لا تتوقف عبر فيسبوك وتويتر ويوتيوب وغيرها لجذب المزيد منهم، و أصبح التداول عبر الإنترنت بالأسهم الأمريكية وجهة لكثير من المستجدين والشبان القابعين في البيوت، مع سعي ملايين الأشخاص في جميع أنحاء العالم إلى تنويع مصادر دخلهم أثناء الجائحة.
Sarwa Office

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